What Is Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)?
Investing to make a difference
Every day, individuals make an effort to help the environment and fight human rights abuses by avoiding products that pollute the environment, boycotting stores that are known for unfair labor practices, purchasing items made from recycled materials, or donating to causes they support. But what they don’t realize is they may be contributing to environmental destruction, sweatshop labor, and war profiteering through their investments because of the companies or mutual funds they own in their portfolios.
Reaching your financial goals and supporting your social and environmental values are not mutually exclusive.
Socially Responsible Investing can help you meet your financial goals while ensuring that your investments have a positive impact on people and planet.
Social and Environmental Screening
You can invest in companies that are moving in the right direction when it comes to issues you care about, as well as avoid companies that have a poor track record in those areas. Screens can be tailored to address the issues that you are passionate about, such as:
· Environment, Climate Change, Fossil Fuel Divestment
· Corporate Governance, Executive Compensation, Political Contributions
· Firearms and Military Contracting
· Fair Labor Practices, Human Rights/Living Wage
· Animal Welfare
· Fair treatment of Women, Minorities, and Gays & Lesbians
Shareholder Advocacy
Through Shareholder Activism, investors attempt to change corporate behavior in the companies they invest in by way of dialogue with management and, when necessary, filing shareholder resolutions. Resolutions are voted on at a company’s annual meeting, and shareholders who own stock in that company may vote on the resolution in person or by proxy. These
resolutions occasionally cover issues such as the environment, worker rights, corporate governance, and company political contributions. Even a small percentage of votes in favor of a resolution can prompt companies to make the changes being voted on.
Community Investing
Community Investing means investing in financial institutions that provide financing in the local community or in lower-income areas for economic development projects such as co-ops and housing development. This can be done through micro-loans, mutual funds, and several other investment vehicles.
Investing involves risk. Depending on the different types of investments there may be varying degrees of risk. Socially responsible investing does not guarantee any amount of success. Clients and prospective clients should be prepared to bear investment loss including loss of original principal.